what flowers would be good for my yard? The garden would get a lot of sun during the day, and i live in a town right on the chesapeake bay. i tend to travel a lot, so it would need to be able to get by without watering for up to ten days, but when i am home, i am willing to tend it three to four time a week. any suggestions? when i say without watering for up to ten days, it rains relativley often around here, except in the dead of summer, so i would just want plants that were hardy.
Garden & Landscape - 3 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
It depends on what you are looking for. Annuals are prettier and have alot more blooms. They also bloom longer. On the other hand perrinials come back every year and end up costing you less. For flower gardens I like alot of annuals surrounding a somthing big like a rose bush. I personally favor impatients and snapdragons. Ground covers and ivys are also nice fillers. Another favorite of mine are Gerbera daisies. It just depends on what you want. Just about any annuals can take on full sun. No flower does good without being watered for 10 days, but I'm sure you could find someone who would water them at least once for you in the middle of the week. Just pick a colorful assortment that you would be happy with. As long as it is colorful and you like it, there is no wrong arrangement.
Answer 2 :
It depends on what you like. I know you said flowers but I'm really into herbs and smallish vegetables. I'm in southern Maryland and have a postage stamp yard but I enjoy having something green going. Every year I add something new but keep my must haves. The other good thing about herbs and veggies are you are more inclined to water and tend them if you know you will reap benefits from them. Whatever you do, don't add mint because it will overrun your garden. Depending on your tastes, you could try chives (great onion flavor), cherry tomatoes (small and bear fruit often), a sage bush or two, some basil (great in everything), pepper plants, etc. Sage does really well in full sun with minimal watering and lasts even in cold weather. Basil helps repel mosquitos and if you plant this year you will see more next year. I generally start planting them outside at this time of year because they don't do well in the cold. You can generally find plants ready to place in your garden at Wal-mart, Home Depot, and Lowes, though there are often garden centers and farmers who sell small plants this time of year. Good luck with whatever you choose but do plant a garden, it's a great stress buster. You can try this site for extra herb garden info and there are many more: herbalgardens.com.
Answer 3 :
We travel some in the summer, but no more than say 3-4 days at a time. www.gardeners.com sells spikes that you screw 2 liter bottles of water into so that your plants get water while you're away :) You could also invest in a timer- it will turn your hose/sprinkler on automatically for you each day at the time you specify. I've had good luck with marigolds. I accidentally left a container of them out in the sun without water before I left for 3 days, came back, and they were still alive!
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